• 11/24/2025 to 11/26/2025 - CI-Certified Residential Windload Design Technician

    8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. each day
    Exclusively held at Contractors Institute Learning Center
    8238 Joliet Street, Hudson FL 34667

    CILB Course #0008024 - 14 hours (11 general, 1 bus, 1 safety, 1 wc)
    #0609008, #0612558 - required hours CILB
    HI: 11 general hours, 2 Hurricane Mitigation
    BCAI/BAID/PE reciprocate for 14 general hours

    This detailed program is a 3-day classroom workshop that ensures your competency in calculating wind loads on residential structures.  Article of the Florida Building Code: Building allows Division I contractors (General, Building and Residential) to certify residential plans (in place of an engineer’s seal) on compliance with wind resistance after completion of an approved CE course using methodologies approved by the Florida Building Commission. THIS course meets those requirements!

    PLEASE NOTE - Successful completion of this course does NOT guarantee acceptance of your plans by your local building department - Florida Code does not REQUIRE the Building Official tto ACCEPT calculations from contractors for loading requirements - many still require plans to be sealed by properly licensed design professionals. If you aren’t sure, check with yyour building department’s plans examination

    This course is UPDATED TO THE 2023 EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. If you have PREVISOUSLY received this certification, you should RETAKE the course to update yourself - there is a REDUCED PRICE for retaking the course (but you MUST retake the 3 days AND pass the exam) - call for details!

    We will teach you step by step to calculate wind loads for residential design specifications. 

    DAY 1 -  Updates to Florida Code and wind load design requirements; review of calculations for components and claddings including review of wind speed maps, understanding ultimate wind speed with cross reference to nominal maps; significant Building Code changes; review of risk/exposure type categories.

    DAY 2 - Detailed residential blueprint plan review including specific components and cladding calculations; exercises using alternate methodologies to design for structural wind loads of residential masonry building.

    DAY 3 - Calculation/design exercises continue including wood frame buildings; competency exam requiring a score of 75% to receive the certification status. (CE credit given regardless of your score) FYI - Tests are graded by hand and Certificates of Competency are mailed to students receiving a passing score.


    Price: $495.00